30 degrees, summer, sun, swimming lake. The heated city centre is not on the agenda these days. Many city centres in Germany are subject to the heat doldrums. Hamelin is no exception. But the city looked for solutions and launched a campaign. The motto: How do you get cities cooler for the future? Maybe through an overnight climate delivery….
The climate box in Hameln on the market square is the first in Germany. A pilot project. A green, cool wilderness in a box. Inside it is 10 – 13 degrees cooler than outside. Finally, heat-free!
A parallel world hides behind the rugged spruce façade. Off to “Little Narnia”: the door creaks softly as it opens. Green vines, lush shrubs, fruit trees and flowers as far as the eye can see. The leafy canopy provides reliable shelter – even in record heat. The scent of flowers and ripe fruit fills the air. Cool moisture blows down from above from the spray system, barely noticeable on the skin. Lively birdsong warbles from hidden speakers. An invitation to stay.
However, the climate box is not only green on the inside. It was also born from a green concept. We already thought about the end when we designed it. That’s why we included the concept for subsequent use right away. Thanks to its modular construction, the crate is not only quickly assembled, but can also be dismantled in no time. To save resources, we reused the beams from our EuroShop stand. Even the stand was designed at the time using only used, borrowed and reusable parts. In other words, some of the materials have already been used in several projects.
But now back to the Klima Kiste: For us, it was especially nice to see what a spot of green like this does to people. They come here to read in peace, to chat or they close their eyes and enjoy the time out in the green cocoon.