Have you ever travelled the world? On foot or by bike? Or across the water? Like our sea traveller. He has travelled the oceans and seen the world’s biggest ports. Now he’s settled down and lets hotel guests savour the scent of the wide world. #cozycontainerliving
We converted the disused shipping Container into a hotel room. Wardrobe, shower, queen-size bed, desk and reading corner – there’s room for everything. And there is still room to move around. There is even a balcony and a covered entrance area. You can’t get more *** comfort in less space.
What’s more, the sea traveller is super flexible and always ready for a change of location. Well, the desire to travel never wanes. Of necessity, the sea traveller has swapped the steamer for a semi-trailer – but no matter. The principle is the same: Pull up by crane, sail – er, cart – from A to B and pull down again by crane. Done.
An end to wanderlust! For all those who want to bring the big wide world to the company car park or the roof of the shopping mall, the Seafarer is the perfect solution. The modular principle scores points everywhere. No more booking hotel rooms for visitors because your own hotel is in the car park. No more excuses about not having enough space for a large extension – the containers can be stacked. Lack of space in cities is a thing of the past, there is plenty of room for improvement here too. It doesn’t have to be for eternity. Here today, there tomorrow